We BUY and SELL Houses in Northeast Indiana.  We LOVE helping people!

We work with homeowners to make selling their homes as easy and seamless as possible.  Once we come to terms with the price, we close in as little as one week.  No worries, no hassle.  We are very flexible and write all the owner’s terms into the contract.  No repairs, no appraisal, no inspection, no showings, no hassle!  

One POPULAR benefit we offer is buying your home and allowing you live there until you find your next home.  We provide MONEY UP FRONT to sellers.  This allows a seller to pay off debt, pay down debt or put money down on their next home.

We also work with people looking to purchase a home.  We team up with traditional mortgage companies and also offer LAND CONTRACT options. 

We love helping people make the home selling and buying process simple!

Looking to sell your current home? Want to buy a home or want some general information about the new homes for sale in Fort Wayne. Contact SNS Property Group today for more information.

Condominium units and a swimming pool area


2 minutes



1 minute



3 minutes



4 minutes



3 minutes

No Closing Costs!

We offer ZERO Closing Costs to the seller. ZERO! That means saying goodbye to tedious 6-7% Realtor fees, discount points, appraisal fees, title searches, title insurance, surveys, taxes, deed recording fees, and credit report charges.

5-Star Rating!

We have hundreds of positive reviews from satisfied sellers. Since 2015, we have been a trusted name in home buying. We ensure sellers are satisfied 100% of the time.

Seller Financing!

The good news for applicants, there is no need to worry about poor credit scores. We aren’t picky about our customers. We handle the entire mortgage process for you instead of banks. Even if you are having difficulty getting a loan, you are most welcome to apply for our Seller-Financing Plan via Land Contract.

Quick Cash!

We buy houses for cash. No hassle or trouble. SNS Property Group is a local, trusted company wants ease for their customers every step of their way. It’s incredibly simple and easy. Our reviews speak for themselves!

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    SNS Property Group

    Sell Your Home Now

    We make same-day offers and close in as little as one week. Cash deposits are paid immediately upon offer acceptance. If you ever thought to yourself, “I want to sell my house fast.”, then The SNS Property Group is the best company for you.
    No Inspections, No Appraisals, No Repairs, No Hassles!
    SNS Property Group

    Sell Your Home Now

    Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries. There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.

    People Trust Us

    Cant express enough what a pleasure it was to work with Sarah and SNS. They made the entire process easy and transparent!
    Communication and next steps were painless and made for a stress free transaction.
    I’d recommend reaching out to them when planning your real estate needs.

    Peter Nytz

    Peter Nytz

    Sarah and Kay are both very professional and courteous.  So honest and up front about everything.  The process of selling our home was simple and stress free.  We would highly recommend SNS to anyone wanting to sell their home!  A++++ Great Job!

    Amy Martinez

    Amy Martinez

    Fantastic Experience! We met Kay with SNS and she assured us we could close whenever we wanted so we could make a non-contingent offer on our new home. It worked out great. She was so easy to work with and ended up purchasing our home and letting us live in the house for a month rent free. This was good because the seller of the home we were buying needed time to move and we did not want to move twice. Kay also paid all our closing fees. She rocks and we appreciate SNS Properties for being so easy to work with. thanks Kay!

    Samuel Davidson

    Samuel Davidson
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    About Us:

    We love helping people.  That is our mission.  We have helped numerous people of the years and have a great reputation in the Fort Wayne community. Real Estate investing is what we do best.

    Check us out on Facebook.  

    SNS Property Group 

    Contact Us:

    Address: 10729 Coldwater Road, Suite 210, Fort Wayne, IN, 46845

    SNS Property Group 2024. All Rights Reserved.

    SNS Property Group 2024. All Rights Reserved.